about Scout Troop 323

Welcome to Troop 323 of the Eagle Valley District.  Our goal is to help young men learn life and leadership skills while participating in and enjoying outdoor activities and community projects. We serve the Baldwin/Whitehall area in the South Hills suburbs of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Our troop has been a tremendous success since it was originally started back in 1947. Excellent leadership and an amazing level of parental involvement make all the difference. With an average registration of over 40 scouts, we are a very active and fun scout troop. Meetings are held Wednesday evenings from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM at our charter sponsor, the Baldwin Community United Methodist Church.

Announcement: Camping Season Started in September!

Who We Are

Boy Scout Troop 323 is a strong and active group. We have a dedicated Troop Committee that all parents are welcome to join. We encourage all our Boy Scouts to achieve beyond their potential. The boys run the troop for themselves and remain active and interested in all the adventures that Scouting holds for them!

What We Do

With regular activities, projects and adventure trips, we accomplish the needs of the camping, adventure and backpacking enthusiasts. We attend Heritage Reservation annually, which is our signature summer camp trip.  We backpack at the Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico and experience survival training and snorkeling during the island adventures at Florida Sea Base. Our scouts have braved the whitewater rapids of Ohiopyle and New River Gorge. And camped out at Put-In-Bay, Summit Bechtel Reserve, Twin Echo, Camp Guyasuta and many others. Other trips have included Gettysburg Battlefield, the National Museum of the US Air Force at Wright-Patterson, museums and National Monuments in Washington, DC. Our scouts have also completed countless community service projects.

Our Goals

  • To develop leadership skills through a defined program that provides written documentation, mentoring, and life challenges.  
  • To develop team build through the patrol method of Scouting.
  • To develop ethical character and integrity through Boy Scouting programs and mentoring to Cub Scouts.
  • To develop scoutcraft skills such as first aid, wilderness, compass, and basic survival skills.
  • To provide adult leader training for a safe and fun Scouting Experience. 
  • To develop meaningful ceremonies (‘rites of passage’) to signify to the Scout and his peers, that a team member has moved on to the next development level and status.
  • To encourage community service projects in which the scout interacts with others and offers a helping hand to those who need it.  “The greatest among you will be a servant.” 

Troop 323’s Committee and Adult Leadership are strong proponents of the BSA’s Aims and Methods of Scouting. We encourage the patrol method during our weekly meetings and in the planning and structure of our programs.

Want to Join Scout Troop 323?

Our troop welcomes you to join us. Kids 11 to 17 are welcome to join our Boy Scout Troop 323. Any kids in Kindergarten through age 10 are welcome to join our Cub Scout Pack 323.


If you have any questions, please contact us at your convenience.